sex act

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网络  性行为; 性机能


  1. The Sex Discrimination Act has not eliminated discrimination in employment
  2. It has to be man/ woman because the hierarchy is man/ woman, and every sex act was supposed to imitate that hierarchy.
  3. Even if gay people can never stop being attracted to members of the same sex, they can learn not to act on their desires.
  4. There are two main hypotheses which explain how sex may act to remove deleterious genes from the genome.
  5. "Therefore, for any given sex act with any given partner, a person who's not infected has a greater risk of coming into contact with infection and getting infected," Douglas said.
  6. The sex discrimination act define two kinds of sex discrimination* Direct and indirect.
  7. Different from the right of consortium, the right of chastity is an independent right of personality with sex act as its specific content.
  8. Sex act Australia saw before the wedding not fresh.
  9. Unless it's blood-to-blood or a sex act.
  10. The risk of acquiring HSV-2 went up steadily and significantly with each unprotected sex act.
  11. Buys the body self-respect, ceases the improper sex act, is Guan Rui who prevents this sickness.
  12. Sometimes indigestion interferes with me. Hunger would interfere with me disastrously. In the same way starved sex interferes with me. What then? 'n. the act of intervening To disturb, interfere with, or annoy.
  13. The sex discrimination act sound all very grand
  14. Just person Shi seeks help does not help instead to help the evil influence to persecute the human the grave non-just sex act;
  15. Sex is the most giving, self-sacrificing act that a woman can do with her body;
  16. It is persistently urged, however, that since sex expression is the act of two, the responsibility of controlling the results should not be placed upon woman alone.
  17. And soon they're gonna discover a new sex act.
  18. SEX IS MORE than a physical act.
  19. Sex and Ugliness: Reading Act and Implication of Jin, Ping and Mei
  20. Objective To find the factors affecting the knowledge of STD and sex act of people in high risk of STD.
  21. Continuous Observations of Parasitic Condition of Trichomonas Vaginalis in Crime Wrong Crowds of the Sex Act
  22. After the new school system was introduced in 1922, the Education Ministry included sex education in School Hygiene Enforcement Act and curriculum standards of normal schools.
  23. Different from the discrimination of race, sex and age, price discrimination is an economic act.
  24. Conclusion: After the infective agent analytical study, the unsafe sex act is possible related with HCV infection, the reformatory masculine taking drugs personnel are the HCV infection high-risk factors.
  25. Furthermore, different from usual bribes, sex bribe is characterized by non-material means, covert act, complicated scope and far-reaching influence.
  26. Go ahead in sex, the male sources are absolutely stronger as news sources, who often act as ration, authority, and active leaders of the public sphere.
  27. However, the current legal system on gender discrimination in employment is not perfect, cause in the labor market, indirect sex discrimination act increasingly fierce.
